About The Author

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Discovery Bay, California, United States
I'm just an average 20 year old who enjoys poetry, long walks on the beach, and poking dead things with a stick.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Formal post... Formal post...

Hi. I'm Zach, and this is a blog about my day-to-day life. Let's start with a personal introduction of myself.

My name is Zach, I'm 20 years old and my birthday is January 15th, 1992. I suppose you could say I'm just an average 20 year old. I work in a restaurant and make enough money to live on. I have a girlfriend whom I love dearly and unfortunately I still live with my parents. I guess it's not that bad though, since they feed me.

I spend a lot of time on the computer and playing console games; it pretty much takes up all of my free time that I'm not spending with my girlfriend. I plan on going to school again to get my certificate in Computer Science as well as take a few Psychology classes, I've always been interested in how people work, and since staring at complete strangers isn't exactly socially acceptable, I figured I may as well take a class or two to learn how to do it properly. 

I could totally add more, but... Whatever.

Oh, one more thing, I'm hilariously funny and devilishly handsome.

Clearly as handsome as I said.

Formal post... Formal post... Okay.

Well, I created the blog. It's 1:41 AM in California as I write this, I was a bit tired a few minutes ago, but It's slowly fading now. I've been off work for the past 4 days due to my birthday and poor scheduling, and I have tomorrow off as well to celebrate my mother's birthday. I don't know exactly what we're doing to celebrate it... but I'm sure it's elaborate, well thought out and not at all boring. I woke up this morning to my mother saying goodbye to me as her and my step-father Jason left for Monterrey. They were supposed to be staying overnight there for her birthday, but ended up coming home. I won't say I didn't have a part to play in them returning early, because I did, but that's unimportant. 

When I turned 20, well, actually, a little bit before that, a light bulb turned on in my head. I've always been a good kid. I don't drink (often), I don't smoke, or lie, or cheat or steal. I do what I'm told and basically walk inside the lines instead of on them or outside of them. But for some reason when it comes to doing things around the house, I always have to be asked. I can never just do it because it needs to be done. Is anyone else like that? But anyway, the light bulb; it turned on and I've changed (or am in the process of) and I'm taking things a bit more seriously. Life is very short. I'm saving money, I'm budgeting, and more importantly, I'm thinking. I'm using my head and making decisions based on facts, and thinking things through. Not impulses. I guess it just took me a bit longer than others to hit that point where I know I need to get my shit together. Maybe it's because I was born three months early; late bloomer? Maybe.

Now, in between my parents leaving and them coming home lies the majority of my day. My day was spent for the most part, upstairs in my room. I'm not a hermit, and I enjoy human contact and socializing. Just not at home. So I played games. Mainly Gears of War 3 with some friends of mine. I also read part of the book I got for Christmas. It's the biography of the late Steve Jobs; if anyone is thinking about getting it, do it. It's a good read and I recommend it. I also listened to the new CD I was given by my girlfriend, Kym. She got me the last Kings of Leon CD I needed, which was "Aha Shake Heartbreak." I love it. 

Oh, and so my soon to be faithful readers know, I was diagnosed with ADHD in the fifth grade. For those of you who clearly never went to public school, I'll explain what it is. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyper-Activity Disorder. Essentially I was hyper and could not focus on one thing. Ever. It's not like it happened randomly during the day and then stopped and I was normal, oh no. It was a 24/7 thing. However, I grew out of it when I was around 16-17 and stopped taking my daily medication for it around then as well and only took it as needed. There is one place my condition is still present though, and that's in my writing. Now that I've pointed it out to you, it will be painfully obvious forever.

Alright. I think that just about concludes the first of many entries in this blog of mine. I hope you enjoyed reading it and didn't want to rip your hair out too many times. I'll be posting the link to my blog on everyone's favorite social network, Myspace. Just kidding. It'll be on my Facebook. 


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